Who Will (and Won’t) Trust Jujutsu Kaisen after Episode 43?

Before you begin to read, please allow me to inform you that there are spoilers ahead for the anime adaptation of Jujutsu Kaisen up to episode 43. I tell you this because, unlike the lawless land of Twitter where the social contract of posting about weekly shows with some semblance of awareness that many people have lives and can’t watch new episodes immediately when they come out has been left in tatters by the need to chase clout, this blog values preserving your individual experience with a show.

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[Review] Bungo Stray Dogs: Dead Apple

As you may or may not have heard, Crunchyroll brought the Bungo Stray Dogs: Dead Apple film over the states as part of their Movie Night series. I was lucky enough to check it out, and I wrote up a review of the film with my thoughts! It’s no Heartcatch Precure movie, but few franchise films are so I can’t knock it that bad for being visually stunning while kind of flat narratively.

Here’s the link~

Bungo Stray Dogs: Dead Apple