[Review] Bungo Stray Dogs: Dead Apple

As you may or may not have heard, Crunchyroll brought the Bungo Stray Dogs: Dead Apple film over the states as part of their Movie Night series. I was lucky enough to check it out, and I wrote up a review of the film with my thoughts! It’s no Heartcatch Precure movie, but few franchise films are so I can’t knock it that bad for being visually stunning while kind of flat narratively.

Here’s the link~

Bungo Stray Dogs: Dead Apple

Sword Art Online: Ordinal Scale Review

I’m not dead! I’ve just been spending a lot of time writing up some egregiously long posts, one of which is finally out! It’s a review of Sword Art Online: Ordinal Scale, the SAO movie that finally showed in US theatres last week. I’m rather fond of SAO on the whole, so I enjoyed getting to watch the movie and I’m happy I had a chance to review it for Crunchyroll.

Here’s the link~

Sword Art Online Ordinal Scale 01.jpg

The Importance of orange

It’s been quite a while since I first wrote about the orange manga about two-thirds of the way through its publication run on Crunchyroll. Now, an improbable anime adaptation has aired and I am compelled to, at last, put words to the feelings I have about the show. While I probably will continue to regard the manga as the superior version of the story, the merits of the anime adaptation are substantial—and, as you’ll read, ultimately none of that matters when it comes to orange anyways.

orange Continue reading

Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere – Blu-ray Review

It’s always an interesting experience revisiting shows that I watched relatively early on in my anime-watching career, and Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere (somehow, probably because it was on Hulu at the time, which is where I started out watching anime after my free Netflix trial was over) is certainly one of those shows. While it didn’t have quite the same effect of being over the top ridiculous as it did back then, I was pleasantly surprised to find that Horizon remains fun and easy to watch. Watching things with my blogger/critic hat on rather than my uninhibited fan hat is always something of a risk, I feel, but things panned out pretty well!

Here’s the link!

Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere